3 to 5 Questions for Authors

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In Which a Librarian asks a Talented Author a Small Number of Questions:

August is Read a Romance Month and if you have never read a truly good one, Robyn Carr is the author to start with!  I know what you are thinking,  “Romance?  No thank you!”  But I say, “Yes!  You won’t regret it.  She is not your mother’s bodice busters.”  (Although a few older titles may look like that). I absolutely love her writing .  Her stories of full of such beautiful relationships, not too romance-y but just right.  I would consider her more Women’s Fiction than the straight, old school romance genre.  They are great escapism books and if you love audio books, Therese Plummer narrates the novels so beautifully.  On a whim, I asked Robyn Carr to participate in 3 to 5 Questions to Authors, not expecting an answer and just about fainted away when I received an email back from her! Whoop, whoop!  Robyn Carr has several series of books and many stand-alone novels.  Her series Virgin River is also a Netflix series where I am impatiently awaiting the second season, so much so that I am rereading the book series.  I cannot wait for the next novel (in the series), Return to Virgin River due out in mid October-keep checking our catalog in September to place a hold.   Read on to learn a bit about best selling author, Robyn Carr:


Q: Throughout your books, the relationships are so descriptive and full of feeling that one becomes immersed in them, not just relationships between people but also the animals and pets the characters encounter in your novels.  Are you an animal lover and if so, what is your favorite animal or pet?

I’m a dog person, though I love all animals.  I love movies, videos and pictures of animals.  I was standing internet watch for a giraffe to have a baby.  My granddaughters came over after school and we watched together!  But right now my pets are two Golden Retrievers, a year old, brother and sister.  They’re still a little young and sometimes unmanageable and since there are two, twice the trouble — but I’ve had them since they were 8 weeks old so we’ve come a long way!  But they are so loveable and sweet.  One of my favorite sayings is, “Try to be the person your dog thinks you are.”  There is so much truth to that.  They spend the whole day with me in my office, periodically nudging my elbow for a pet or putting a big old head in my lap for attention.  And they trust me implicitly.  They never doubt me. 

Q: What gives you inspiration or how do you come up with a basic storyline to your next novel?  Is it a town you’ve visited, a remark someone has made, a circumstance you have been in or just ideas flying around and you grab one?

It’s usually a basic relationship problem at the core, then I begin to construct characters.  It is the characters back-story that really fleshes out the character and makes him/her unique.  The backstory also lends motivation to many of that characters actions throughout the story.  Say a woman was abandoned by her father as a child and later fell in love with a man of questionable morals who broke her heart.  He was probably like her father.  A significant part of her journey might be all about not getting tripped up by another man with low character.

Q: If you were a dewey number, which one would you consider yourself to be and why?

100-199 — philosophy and psychology — because I’m always trying to figure out who a character is and what makes them that way.  Not to mention myself!!

Q: My absolute favorites (so far) of your novels are Wild Man CreekHarvest Moon and Summer in Sonoma.  What novels or series of your own were your favorite to write?

I have fun with all of them, though some are harder than others.  You named three of my favorites — writing them was sheer joy.  I also loved writing Four Friends because I really wasn’t sure how it would turn out until I wrote it.  and I loved writing The House on Olive Street because I was never sure what was going to happen next and it was always a fun surprise.  

Q: What books or magazines do you have on your bedside table or in a “to read”pile?

I’m currently reading and loving Dance Away With Me by my dear friend Susan Elizabeth Phillips!  It’s fabulous as all her books are.  I have books to read on my Kindle and in my library — I turned the breakfast nook into an honest to God library!  It holds my favorite books, some classics and books for kids for the grandchildren.  It’s bulging.  I love the feel and weight of real print books but my eyes like the kindle these days.  

Now you know a bit more about a fantastic author!  I expect her books to fly off the shelves as they always have.  Don’t forget she is also availabe through our OverdriveRBDigital and Hoopla collections.  Read a little romance this August.